The fall equinox marks the day when the sun crosses the celestial equator, meaning that day and night are almost exactly equal in length. It also signifies the changing of seasons and a shift in energies around you. Below are 10 ways to celebrate this magical day.
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1) Set an Intention (Yoga)
Head over to your favorite yoga studio or just roll out your mat at home and take a moment during your practice you set an intention for the new season. It can be as little or as big as you want!
2) Have a Bonfire with Friends
There’s nothing better than chilling with some friends, cracking open some local brews, roasting s’mores, and sitting by the warmth of a bonfire on a chilly fall evening. Welcome in fall by having a celebration of warmth/coldness and light/darkness.
3) Create an Autumnal Shrine in Your Home
Welcome fall into your home and into your life by creating a small shrine or place to sit quietly and meditate. Items can include colorful leaves, squash, gourdes, candles, incense, and meaningful photos. Use this space as a place to reflect on the past year, and look forward to the next.
4) Create a List of What You’re Grateful For
Fall is a season of giving thanks and reaping the rewards from this summer’s harvest. Think about the people, places, relationships, decisions, and opportunities that have brought you to where you are now. Make a list of what you’re grateful for, and give thanks.
5) Get Outside!
Colder temperatures can bring about more seasonal illnesses like the common cold. Stay on top of your health by taking some time to work up a sweat, whether that involves going for a hike, practicing yoga, or taking your dog for a run! Exercise increases your overall fitness, meaning it can boost your immune system! Additionally, getting out and soaking up some sunny fall rays before they’re limited helps with seasonal depression, and can brighten up your mood in general!
6) Press Leaves
Go take a walk through your favorite wooded area and gather the most colorful leaves you can find! Bring them home, and press them between the pages of a thick, heavy book, switching out which pages they’re between every day or so. This will preserve the leaf’s color and texture!
7) Throw a party!
Have everyone bring over their favorite fall dish. Take this time to connect with friends and family before the hectic holiday season rolls around.
8) Go to the Farmer’s Market
Get in on that fall harvest while you can! Fall vegetables like pumpkin, squash, cabbage, carrots, brussel sprouts, potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes are all delicious, and can be turned into some awesome seasonal dishes.
9) Learn about Constellations
Depending on which hemisphere you live in and what season it is, the sky is constantly changing and will look totally different. Here’s a great explanation. Because the fall equinox signifies the shortening of days and lengthening of nights, now is a great time to head out and star gaze!
10) Write a Poem
Grab a pen and paper, gaze out the window or head outside, and get inspired! Whether you want to stick to iambic pentameter, or go with a haiku is totally up to you! Let the words and inspiration flow through you!