It’s biodegradable, natural, kind to animals, and a holiday classic! Get in the holiday spirit (regardless of how you celebrate) with this simple Popcorn and Cranberry Garland. 

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DIY Popcorn Garland: Supplies Needed

  • Popped Popcorn
  • Cranberries (or other small red berries)
  • Fishing Line
  • Large Sewing Needle

IMG 4225 1 - DIY Popcorn Garland - Homemade Garland

DIY Popcorn Garland: Directions

Start by threading the needle with the fishing line and tying a knot at the end near the needle. Poke the needle through a mixture of popcorn and cranberries and keep working until your garland is the desired length. Hang this garland on your Christmas tree or on a tree outside for the birds and squirrels to enjoy (just remember to clean up the fishing line once the food is gone). Enjoy buds!

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2 Comments on DIY Popcorn Garland – Homemade Garland

  1. Susannah Humphrey
    November 28, 2021 at 4:00 pm (3 years ago)

    Fishing line is not biodegradable and poses hazards to animals via entanglement. 100% cotton thread is much-preferred for this garland design as it breaks down over time and can be composted after the holidays.

    • Soul Flower
      January 21, 2022 at 1:55 am (3 years ago)

      Thanks for that suggestion Susannah!


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