Remember, Be Here Now is a fun freely written spiritual journey merging 1970 meditation and spiritual practices.  The core lesson in this fun, well written book is self-discovery. Ram Dass expresses the importance that you can be yourself: you are eternal-everything-free.

Simple lessons that go over looked in our day to day society, lessons like you can have it all when you are it all.

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Ram Dass’ ideas from this spiritual journey of a book reminds us (on numberless of his visually drawn psychedelic pages) that our thoughts are not ran by clocks but bound in time and space-so to experience true reality, or eternal soul awareness, or divine love-we need to go beyond our thoughts and reach out to a deeper realm. We so commonly say, ‘this happened because of a specific reason’-that’s only a story; it does not allow you to jump out of the ‘gravitational wake of time and space’ and blossom into the flower that you are.

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One of my favorite quote from this book is, “Thoughts are like a caterpillar and beyond thoughts is like the butterfly. What is beyond thoughts? Us. Soul. Eternal, unbounded love. Bliss. Self-creating an individual joy-that which cannot be affected by time-space thoughts and events. What does this mean in practical terms? We can live freely, in peace and joy despite what goes on in the world.”

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This book I found to be incredibly enlightening with a mix of humor, spirituality, fun, and most important new life long lesson that are free….if you open your mind and allow it to receive.

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Rachael wore the Flow Mandala Pants 

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1 Comment on Opening Your Heart & Your Third Eye

  1. Burnell Yow!
    November 23, 2015 at 12:02 am (9 years ago)

    This definitely a fun read that brought back many memories. Be Here Now was like a bible to me back in the 70s. Somewhere along the way, I lost it, and a few years back I bought a new copy. My first copy came from a head shop. The most recent, from Amazon. Times change. I’d also recommend Ram Dass’ newest book, “Still Here.” It’s about aging and deals a lot with his stroke and ongoing recovery of same.


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