I’m not a big New Year’s Resolution person because I feel that we can start a new resolution at any time, but given the time of year, I am making it a point to completely surrender to my yoga flow in 2016. Practicing yoga has always been somewhat of a struggle. It wasn’t until about 8 months ago that I found the patience and ability to focus on actual sequences and dedicate myself to more than just poses and stretching. I didn’t know where to start, how to connect things, or how to memorize an entire sequence without going back to a frame of reference every 5 minutes. Throughout these 8 months of commitment and progress, I’ve found myself stumbling upon far too many moments of hesitation and hindrance.

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My goal for 2016 is to bid the insecurities and uncertainties farewell. My budget is as limited as classes in this region, and I’ve accepted the challenge of discovering as many internal and external resources possible to apply to my growth. I’m self-taught with hooping, and I know there are plenty of self-taught yogis out there, which leaves no room for excuses as to why I can’t do this.

The beginning was a bumpy road. I used yoga challenges and Google Image results for sequences and poses to help get things started. I can’t focus on long tutorials, so I looked (and still look) for inspiration from short videos in hashtags containing the poses and transitions I wanted to accomplish. Things felt a little jumbled. Well, let’s face it, things were quite messy, but I was still progressing. At times it seemed too complicated, yet I didn’t want to give up. I was surprisingly capable of many advanced poses and short sequences that coincided, but they were always followed by the unavoidable question of ‘What next?’ I needed flow and a plan.

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Several weeks ago, something possessed me to search for yoga apps and I kind of felt like kicking myself for not doing this a year ago. ‘Yoga Studio’ marked the first turn around—the first step confirming the mess would smooth itself out. I don’t completely rely on it, but the ability to start off my yoga sessions with guidance from pre- and/or self-made sequences gave me that extra boost of confidence and motivation. Using occasional guidance through 30-60 minute sessions has also helped rid confusion. When I received a yoga strap and a FitBit for Christmas, I realized I finally held all the necessary tools to support and lead me in the right direction. The yoga strap allows me to attempt and progress in areas that I never believed possible, and the FitBit wristband is the perfect motivational device for tracking my fitness details. These latest additions are building my desire to keep pushing beyond the insecurities.

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The walls have finally fallen and the pieces are coming together in clear form. Rather than hesitant, I am eager. I look forward to the year ahead and all the growth along the way. It’s a new adventure and I couldn’t be more intrigued by what’s to come. I have faith that the determination within will yield a new world of flow and inner-peace, allowing me to embrace a more natural understanding. The passion is there, and I now have the resources I need in my search for knowledge and achievement. There’s no need to hold back when all the signs point onward.

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Sam wore the 3-Strap Organic Cotton Bandeau and the Bombay or Bust Harem Pant

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1 Comment on Flowing Forward

  1. Burnell Yow!
    January 20, 2016 at 5:27 pm (9 years ago)

    Thank you for the post, Sam. My own personal experience is that apps do help. My wife takes a class twice a week, and I tried attending once, but the class situation just didn’t do it for me. In fact, I’m using the same app. Best wishes for a long and enjoyable yoga experience.


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