Searching for "melina"

burnell cat 2 640x430 - The Cats of Raven's Wing

The Cats of Raven’s Wing

Sadly, this is my last post as a member of the 2015-16 Vibe Tribe for Soul Flower. It’s been a fun year writing about things near and dear to my heart while wearing “cool threads for kind heads.” Renee (Social Media bud at Soul Flower) has been wonderful with her email reminders and her words of encouragement and her sharing of appreciation from the staff. And it has been fun learning a bit about my fellow Vibe Tribers from their posts. Mara, Melina, Alia, Samantha, Rachel and Liz – thank you. (more…)

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Beautiful Medicine

I started writing for Soul Flower one year ago. In that year I grew to love the clothing and the ethics behind this admirable company. I love the feel of soft organic cotton against my skin, pulling on my lightweight Three Pines Yoga Hoody before heading out to the grocery store or after a Kundalini class, and keeping warm with the Eco Beanie as I walk the dog through the winter woods. (more…)

ajax loader 2x - Beautiful Medicine