Searching for "label/erin rose"

bohemian style soul flower e1423254650702 640x430 - Cranberry Wine Boho Dress & Corn Fields

Cranberry Wine Boho Dress & Corn Fields

The Cranberry Wine Boho Dress! Perfect color for a quick evening walk and little photographic adventure! We loved how the color popped against the faded dry corn field. The days are getting shorter and shorter and we just missed the sun on the fields! My kids still thought it was fun to park in the middle of the road and get out to snap some pictures. All of our neighbors are used to seeing us out and about, camera in hand, usually dressed up or sometimes dressed weird or in costumes. (more…)

ajax loader 2x - Cranberry Wine Boho Dress & Corn Fields

20140518 121652 640x430 - Weekend Adventure in Wisconsin

Weekend Adventure in Wisconsin

Hey y’all! I have been fortunate enough to be a part of Soul Flowers Karma Krewe for a little bit now. I had been selecting items for other people for the most part. But the Neverland Crop Skirt Pants? Mine. All mine. And as a photographer I always had it in my head that I need to do photo shoots and organized theme or something for the items. Not this time! Total relaxation and fun weekend-friends, family and good times! All in the comfort of my awesome new cropped pants! (more…)

ajax loader 2x - Weekend Adventure in Wisconsin