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Flying Solo

Over the past several years, attending music festivals has lead me to notice just how much social media stifles our independence. We tend to forget about ourselves, the moment, and the significance of living within it. I believe it’s important to stay connected with people as much as possible, but I also think it’s beneficial to fall off the map every now and again. (more…)

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Elephant Be Strong Yoga Set

Hey Buds, We released an awesome new be strong elephant set last week modeled here by our bud Goldie. It is a 50% organic cotton, 50% Recycled Plastic blend. Yep, using plastic water bottles! And 100% made right here in the USA. Take a look buds, we hope you love the energy of it – it helps remind us to always be strong.

Note: even tho we no longer carry this elephant set, you can find some pretty amazing elephant clothing and accessories on our website. We suggest starting with this blog post: Gifts for Elephant Lovers everywhere!

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