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Must Watch: Forest Man

Absolutely in awe and adoration over this short, award-winning documentary about one man’s effort to save Majuli Island by single-handedly planting a forest that is now larger than Central Park. His goal is to prevent further erosion of his island, that is otherwise expected to disappear in 15-20 years, and to protect the beautiful wildlife within the area.


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Celebrating Earth Year

Mother Earth appreciates the little things in life. Every little thing we do for her has an affect, and when we appreciate her and treat her with kindness she responds in kind. We nourish her, she nourishes us; we sustain her, she sustains us. It’s a beautiful butterfly effect of sorts, where if we just flap our wings, we can inspire positive change within our world and truly make a difference.


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Volunteer: Kindness Matters!

After the long and lazy hibernation of winter, there’s a lot to be done! It’s time for some major spring cleaning to revitalize our communities. Our cities (OUR WORLD!) need a helping hand.

With National Volunteer Week fast approaching (April 21-27), we wanted to brainstorm the numerous ways we can help out and volunteer year round.

Many of the links below are for opportunities in Minnesota, but please don’t hesitate to research your own home town if one of these volunteer positions interest you! 🙂

Volunteer Opportunities:

– Humane Society: help our furry and feathered friends find comfort

– Plant trees, shrubs and flowers in your area: with Earth Day & Arbor Day fast approaching, your community will have plenty of opportunities open! Arbor Day Foundation

– Habitat for Humanity: help create affordable, green shelters for low income families

Homeless shelter: help sort donations, make/serve food, answer emails & calls, or assist with educational programs

– Protect our waters: help keep our waters clean and free of invasive species. Locals for Lakes

-If you live in Minnesota you could become a Master Naturalist Volunteer!

-Support your local zoo! Minnesota Zoo Volunteer Opportunities

– Foster Care: you don’t need to foster a child to help a child – check in with your local foster care to see what services they might need.

– Library: help out at an event, book drive or read-a-loud. Hennepin County Library Opportunities

– Be a mentor or tutor at your local school and help a struggling student feel more confident

– Nursing home: craft, play games, read, and just chit-chat to bring cheer to someone’s day

– Thrift shop: help sort & shelve items to aid them in a second chance

– Hospital: numerous organizations exist to help ease someone’s pain. Such as Open Arms Minnesota which grows, cooks and delivers food to people struggling with illnesses

– Local farms: so much work to be done, you’re sure to be needed!

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Volunteer your talents, time and joy to make our world a better place!
For more volunteer opportunities & dates check out Spring into Volunteering Hands On Twin Cities, and find what fits right for you. 🙂


If you know of any other great opportunities, feel free to share them in the comments below!

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The Best BFF Bracelets

My best friend’s name is Audrey Louise, my name is Hannah Louise; this was our first bonding experience. We have been best friends for five years, and she is a beautiful light in my life. Since she is so special, I wanted to get her something really special. I had gotten her a few cool things, but nothing that meant anything to our relationship. I wanted it to be something from my heart, that she could look at daily and think about us. That’s what I found in these beautifully handmade Funky Friendship Bracelets. She LOVED hers!

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Besties for LIFE!

Each of the bracelets were colored right to our personalities; vibrant and beautiful! We couldn’t get enough of holding each others hands to put them together. They are comfortable to wear and we each wear ours every day; it bonds us together and reminds us that we each have a best friend that is there for the other one no matter what. Even though we may live far apart now, I know that she still has my back; and I can feel her constant love, even hundreds of miles away.

If I am ever feeling lonely, or like I have no where to turn; I just hold up my wrist and realize that I have a best friend, forever. I will never be alone, I will always have someplace to turn. She is a part of my family, and I love her like no other. Miles can’t destroy what we have, and our bracelets are there as a reminder if we are ever in doubt.

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Funky friends forever!

Even though we are miles apart, these BFF Bracelets will always connect our hearts  I love you Audrey Louise.

Peace & Happiness Buds,
Give your BFF a good squeeze; whenever you get the opportunity.
xo, Hannah Louise

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Mushroomy Inspiration

Did you know there’s such a thing as glowing mushrooms?

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There are more than 70 known species of bioluminescent fungi growing all around the world. They produce light through chemical reactions, lighting up the forest floor like a starry sky.

How awesome is that?!

How could you not want glowing mushrooms on a t-shirt?! 🙂

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Men’s Organic Mushrooms Pocket T-Shirt

Our first print run of this Mushrooms design really looked like those glowing mushrooms. Since then, we’ve translated it to a few other shirt styles so everyone can get a taste of mushroomy goodness.

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Another inspiration for this hand-drawn mushroom design was these amazing 19th century mushroom and fungi illustrations, drawn by French pharmacist Guilliame Sicard.

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I just love their simplicity, and how they show off all the different mushroom types in a clean, non-muddy way.

When creating this design, I first sketched out a bunch of different styles of mushrooms. Then after digitizing the sketches, I added texture with little bitmapping dots that would be sure to show up on a screen print.

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You can also snag some glowing mushrooms on an organic cotton scarf or on a bright purple tank dress. (Note: these dresses are part of a limited print run, so get ’em while you can!)

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Mushrooms may seem like lowly plants (literally– they grow low to the ground!), but a second look may be all it takes to realize that pretty much everything in nature is awesome. Especially if they glow!

If you liked this shroomy inspiration, you’ll probably like our Nature Inspiration Pinterest board. Check it out!

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Handmade Paisley Hat

Fall. A season like no other here in Iowa. I wait all year just to shoot photos and paint images of the colorful variations in the rolling hills. Equally as marvelous is to simply roam around admiring the beautiful multi-colored swirls in a single leaf. Life is changing all around. Hues of yellowy golds, reds, rust and copper are rushing in and they are simply breath taking! How interesting are trees anyway? Their ability to begin conserving energy for the long winter ahead – triggering their leaves to turn these amazing shades before they “fall”. Fascinating really, just another living organism going through their own cycles in life, just like us.

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Heart the side bow!
While the cycle of falls outdoor color has me thrilled to no end, there’s another cycle brewing in my closet! Time to change my wardrobe! It’s a joyous process really, getting to break out warmer clothing I had forgotten I owned (like my ol’ Soul-Flower winter favs) and even making a few trips to recycle warm items someone else can enjoy. This seasonal change also means adding some new things into the mix and getting to wear more layers, jackets, boots and hats. YES, HATS! I love hats, but only really great fitting ones and yeppers the Soul-Flowers new Sixpence Paisley Hatis in that group! It is the bees knees! This hat is perfect for fall and for my love of it’s warm colors which are all gathered together by pretty paisley designs. The Sixpence Paisley blends in perfectly with all the outdoor scenery and I now get to enjoy wearing the colors I enjoy see everywhere!  

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It seriously goes with everything!
 The features on this years hat model includes a super cute little green/blue bow and soft velvety fabric that make it perfect for wearing with dressier duds. Just the same the relaxed style of the Sixpence Paisley keeps it laid back and chill enough for casualdays. I‘ve realized in my hat quest that NOT all are created equal and have come cross many a hat that fail to look or fit “right” once on my head but I’m quite convinced that this handmade style is a good fit for anyone! The little miss sixpence is also really fun to wear when you add your own style flare! I like to wear mine with the brim just a tad off to the right side combined with a little forward tilt. So, if you’re a hat wearer, need a hat for the occasional bad hair day or just want to try something new, this hat’s for you!

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Sixpence Paisley Hat, handmade in the USA
Hats off to ya,

P.S. I’ve had so many people come up and ask me about this hat – moms for themselves and their daughters, grandmothers and even guys for their gals! They all agree – great style, cool fit and of course unique colors and pattern! So, get it while you can…I’m just sayin! 🙂

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Beach Plastic Turned Art : Saving Our Oceans

The other day I was at the beach and a little girl of about 3 was tiptoeing quickly along the hot sand, she came to a sudden stop, squatted down and picked up a piece of garbage, “Trash, mommy!” she exclaimed, as she handed it over to be placed in the garbage where it rightfully belonged. I smiled at the cuteness of it, but as the thought settled in I began to realize how many people were at the beach; how many of us had just kept walking on by that very piece of garbage? Sitting nearby, I hadn’t even noticed it.

As a cancer sign, I have a soul that is drawn to water. It gives me a sense of peace and rejuvenation. So it bothers me to know that this problem of garbage in and on our earth’s beaches extends beyond that little piece of garbage at my local beach. Overall our oceans are in pretty bad shape.

I recently discovered a couple, Richard and Judith Lang, that walk their local Kehoe Beach collecting plastica lot of it. Since 1999 they have been taking these pieces of plastic, cleaning them, and turning them into a myriad of creative art from murals to jewelry. Their main goal: to draw attention to the problem of water pollution, and the misuse of plastic, and push people toward cleaning up their beaches. 

Here’s an excerpt from the Smithsonian Mag article, Making Beautiful Art out of Beach Plastic
“During our two hours on Kehoe, we find plenty of common items: white Tiparillo tips, old Bic lighters, shriveled balloons, corroded SuperBalls, nylon rope and shotgun wads: the frayed plastic cores of shotgun shells, expelled when a shot is fired. The Langs scour the tide line and search below the rocky cliffs with Zen-like concentration. In the past, diligence has rewarded them with everything from vintage toy soldiers to tiny red Monopoly houses. But finding plastic on the beach, even if it’s your main art material, is always bittersweet. Vastly outnumbering those rare treasures are single-use water bottles, sun lotion tubes, soft-drink lids—and tiny round pellets called nurdles.”
Read more of the article and view more pics here
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Richard and Judith Lang prove that every “little bit” of garbage we pick up can make a difference. It’s one less piece of plastic for a bird or fish to swallow, and one more step towards making our waters clean again.  Our world’s limited water supply has given us a lot of peace and sustenance, the least we can do is return the favor. 

Let’s make our oceans, lakes and rivers a cleaner work of art. 

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Aphrodite’s Abalone Ring

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Oh, I just adore this Aphrodite Abalone Ring and its old world feel! In fact, upon opening my little prized box I immediately imagined the ring having been worn by a Greek sea goddess. Now, many moons later it’s been washed to shore still possessing great mystical powers… for which I haven’t discovered yet. 🙂 hehe  I love the ocean and travel there when possible, which isn’t often enough. Seeing this ring on the Soul-flower website reminded me of the many walks I’ve had along the beach. The wrap design of the pewter coils around my finger, representing waves as they fold into one another. They crash to the beach then recede to reveal the treasured shells underneath.

I don’t tend to wear much jewelry but, this ring is different! The creators, (although not sea goddesses), are a group of fair trade female artisans in rural Tecalpulco, Mexico. They, without a doubt have captured the tradition of fine Mexican jewelry beautifully in this piece, making it truly worthy of a great sea goddess. These empowered women make me feel a bit mystical and definitely inspired wearing their work! The fit is smooth and comfortable. I miss my Aphrodite abalone when it’s off, and realized quickly that the thick (somewhat heavy) appearance was quite deceiving because it hugs my finger and fits like a glove. I’d venture to say I might forget I’m wearing it if it weren’t for the fact this ring commands attention (with its striking physique) from everyone it meets! 

Just be, Woo

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How Our Grandmothers Taught us to be Green

“Did your grandma do anything green back in the day?” That’s what I asked my buds here at Soul Flower, and you know what? None of them said no.
Here’s the wonderful things they did say:
“Gramma has composted ever since I was a little girl. I used to always poke at the steamy mess with a stick. My grandparents also have organic gardens, and I remember going out to fill my ice cream bucket, picking and eating green beans as I went. I’d always come back to the house with dirt between my teeth! In their hometown of Fargo, they even supplied stores with their produce – Talk about keepin’ it local!” –Bri


“My grandma grew all her own veggies & canned everything – she knew how to preserve all of her veggies so they would last throughout winter.” –Peggy
“She always had her homemade clothes on the line outside, and a garden. I know growing up my grandma had all sorts of duties on the family farm in Italy. Instead of plopping us in front of the TV, she’d read to us and take us for walks; luckily, she didn’t see TV as a way to distract us and keep us busy.” –Jenn


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“Besides the usual carpooling, wearing hand-me-downs, and repurposing leftovers, one cool thing that my grandparents did at their house was make their basement energy-efficient. They built a wall and door to enclose a small corner of the basement where the TV and couches were, so instead of heating the whole chilly basement, you just heat that one little room!” –Leiah


“She taught me that beauty can be taken from the fridge and cupboard. All that fancy spa stuff is already in my house. I hated the egg whites mask she’d make me wear; I’d have to wait till it dried and it would pull at my skin…Uck! Lol…but she insisted it would make my skin great! Now that I’m older, I’m happy to know that things such as honey, olive oil, sugar and then some can achieve just as much as all those cosmetic chemicals we’re told we need.” –Jacqueline

“She ate a lot out of her very own garden. Freezing and canning to make things last, and sharing with us so we weren’t eating a tomato off some truck from far off locations. I remember going through the garden, picking and trying everything…it was all so good and we grew it!” – Brit

“My grandma has a garden and is all about home cookin’ – no fast food at her house! Her idea of vacation is close to home, usually camping or horseback riding, no cruises or long flights. Hey, you remember that one poster that said something about reusing and making do? That makes me think of her.” –Joe

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Yes, I do, Joe! And now I realize there were many posters like this, especially during the war.

See, our ideas of green being the new black, and all that, they aren’t new. Our grandmother’s were doing all of these things before we ever decided to call it cool. And they did it with that brand of hard work and dedication we should all strive for. This Mother’s Day, we just want our Grandma’s to know, we appreciate all you’ve done to keep Mother Earth beautiful, and we’re thankful you’ve taught us what amazing things the earth can give us.

We couldn’t “make-do” without you! Happy Mother’s Day! 

May your smile be gritted with dirt! 😉
Your buds at Soul Flower

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Instant Karma Embroidered Bag = Instant Love

Before this Instant Karma bag, I shudder to think what transpired daily my dears. From my mouth I uttered “where’s my darn phone?!”, too many times to count.  My friends’ response was always the same “Check your bag!” My response to their response would be “Already looked there!” And their response to my second response would be, “Check again!” Meanwhile, (in complete frustration) I had frantically torn my place apart. Then after having called out search teams in a 200 miles radius, I would decide to look in my bag just one more time. Low and behold there my phone would be, exactly where it had been the whole time, at the bottom on my enormously huge shapeless, compartment-less bag.

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Instant Karma Bag = Instant Love

So, it is due to this daily saga that I finally realized it was time for a new bag, a different kind of bag. One with a more functional inside, a zipped area for odds & ends, a cell phone compartment and a better shaped form so that I don’t have to use x-ray vision to see what’s lurking way, way down in the hidden crevasses! Now, I do far less stuffing, tossing & searching and much more putting, placing & finding. 🙂

Although this could be my sole reason for wanting the Karma bag, with one look you’ll know that its pretties grabbed my attention just as much! With an adorable patterned lining and beautiful embellishments, this canvas bag was made for a gypsy queen! A great look for any day and tons (TONS I say) of roominess when you need it in a cubed kind of way! Why just the other day I put a sweatshirt, a hat, four recycling grocery bags, three books, a wallet, a phone, a makeup bag, sunglasses and still had room for more! Yet to my surprise there was an even bigger, better, more amazing quality to this bag then I had known. The Instant Karma bag is giving back in a big way. A portion of the profits from selling these bags go to organizations like Oceana, Sea Shepherds, Trees for the Future and the Environmental Defense Fund. So, buying this bag is helping to clean up beaches and help animals affected by environmental disasters. Here I thought I’d be elated just for getting a cell phone pouch in a beautiful one of a kind purse!

I am a happy woman, a happy woman with a new bag… a bag that betters the world. Now that’s instant karma!

Just be, Woo


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Mandala Burnout Tunic

Hey there Buds!

Crazy past couple of months with school starting, getting back to Hawaii, trying to find a place to live, moving in, starting a new job, realizing my roommates and I aren’t a good fit, trying to get out of the lease, finding a new place and settling in again DURING MIDTERMS!!! Whew…glad that’s over with…

There’s always a silver lining to every cloud, though. I have met some truly awesome people this semester and thank the universe every day for making our paths cross. It’s crazy how during the hardest of times you see people’s true colors, which could be bad, but also can be incredibly bright. One of the people who I consider an angel, along with her boyfriend, have helped me more times than I can count and asked nothing in return. They are simply happy to have my company, or at least they say they are ;). Another friend reminds what it means to be strong and stand on your own even though the road is rocky at times, she teaches me with her actions every day. Of course, there is the crazy radical (puts me to shame!) who is there to challenge authority and challenge me to get to that next level of understanding. Of course, my family has been there every step of the way! My dad flew out here a few days after I called home to help me get out of that awful living situation, I don’t know what I would do without him or my mom who helped from the sidelines and held the fort down while he was gone.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that you can’t dwell on the negatives in life. Of course bad things happen and goodness knows I’ve punched a wall or two in frustration, however, I’m a firm believer that things happen for a reason. That’s why I like my Mandala Burnout Tee, the design reminds me that the universe is cyclical and our lives are just part of its cycle.

This tunic is a great length, I love shirts that can act as a cover up at the beach (like I said in my Headdress article). It works great for a yoga session, or just lounging around in your yoga pants. I can wear it to a nice dinner with the right skirt or I could wear it to class with some jeans. It’s not a snug fit but it isn’t lose either, it fits like a shirt you’ve washed a bit but is still relatively new, which makes it snug in all the right place and loose in the places you need some extra wiggle room. The fabric is thin and lightweight and very soft, however it could be a bit see through. It’s fine if you don’t wear a neon pink or green bra with it ;p

Mahalo buds!

And let someone know that you’re grateful for having them in your life, yeah?

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Yoga for Holiday Stress

Here at Soul Flower we are busy packing hundreds of orders every day.  That much repetitive activity causes havoc on the back and legs.  Here’s a quick and easy yoga sequence to take the edge off the holiday stressors of wrapping gifts, frosting cookies and standing in high heels at holiday parties.


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